Friday, December 27, 2013


There is so much I can be thankful for, and it is so hard to put it into words. List form will be how I blog this and maybe this will inspire you to write your own :)

1.I am thankful for my loving husband-he has been my rock and support for the last 5 years, without him I know I wouldn't be here or this healthy
2. My dog, even though right now she is a pain in the butt because I'm pregnant and she is doing everything in her power to annoy me, piss me off or ignore me but I wouldn't trade her for the world-she's such a sweetheart.
3. This baby growing inside of me, I am already tired of the comments that "Oh your having a July baby your going to hate being pregnant by then." I have experienced 3 losses, how I could I hate being pregnant. Yes by May I will probably be huge, but knowing that this baby is a gift from God makes me thankful to be pregnant especially when I was told I could never conceive again.
4. Quickening-every day I feel this baby moving it makes me thankful she/he is still alive inside of me, getting bigger everyday.
5. Surviving-through everything. I have been almost beat to death by an ex boyfriend, raped, drank until I passed out, almost flatlined at my sleep study in a status epilepticus attack-and that was the closest I came to dying-and prayer saved my life. I know the Lord was not done with me yet, and I was pregnant with this baby when that happened, around 3 weeks or so.
6. My family, this isn't in order, but my family ranks close to the top-even though we sometimes disagree we're still family and we're still together.
7. My faith and religion and my wonderful church family, without them where would I be. They have helped me through this last 7 or 8 months supporting us helping us and getting us through some rough times.
8. Everything else I haven't mentioned-I have so much more I cannot put into words-and I am so thankful for everything in my life.